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Emitting instructions

With Uniform, Sitecore content authors configure personalization rules using the standard personalization tools. Uniform converts those personalization rules into a format that can run on the CDN (also called "edge-compute instructions"). After the rules are converted, the resulting instructions are embedded in the page. This is called "emitting".

Uniform only emits personalization instructions under certain conditions. A component called a "request checker" is responsible for determining what the conditions are and whether those conditions are met.

Request Checkers#

Request checkers are defined in Sitecore configuration in the following section:

uniform > personalization > esi > requestCheckers

The default request checker is configured in the following section:

uniform > personalization > esi > defaultRequestChecker

Standard types#

Uniform provides the following request checkers out-of-the-box.

HTTP Request#

This request checker uses data available on the HTTP request to determine whether personalization instructions should be emitted. It supports the following values:

  • Request headers
  • Query string parameters

By default, if any of the following are set on the request, the request checker will return true:

  • Request header Accept-ESI is set to any value.
  • Query string parameter uniform_esi is set to any value.

Always On#

This request checker always returns true. It is used for testing and debugging.

Custom types#

A custom request checker can be created by extending the abstract class Uniform.Optimize.RequestContext.RequestChecker.