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Uniform Optimize for Sitecore automatically captures visitor activity, including page views, goals, and campaigns, without requiring a Sitecore server to handle the tracking. This is accomplished using a client-side tracker.


Any campaign assigned to a Sitecore item is captured when the item is viewed. Campaigns are also captured when included in the URL.


Any goals assigned to a Sitecore item are captured when the item is viewed. Goals can be triggered programatically. Goals are also captured when included in the URL.

Rules assigned to goals

Sitecore allows rules to be assigned to goals that control when the goal is captured. Uniform for Sitecore does not currently support these rules. This means that if a goal with rules is assigned to an item, the goal will always be captured when the item is viewed.

Page Events#

Any page events assigned to a Sitecore item are captured when the item is viewed. Page events can be triggered programatically.