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Query string parameters

Sitecore supports providing tracking data using query string parameters. The Uniform tracker supports the same parameters, but it does so in a slightly different way than Sitecore.

Supported parameters#

The following query string parameters are supported:


Query string parameter name#

By default, the name of the query string parameter is sc_camp. The parameter name can be changed in the "Campaign parameters" field on the following item:

sitecore > System > Uniform > Optimize > Settings

Data captured#

When a campaign is tracked, the Uniform tracker can capture the following details:

  • Date/time when the campaign was triggered
  • Campaign id
  • Campaign name

When a campaign is assigned directly to a Sitecore item, both the campaign id and campaign name are included in the tracking data, enabling the tracker to capture both values.

However, when a campaign is tracked using a query string parameter, only one value can be provided. The Uniform tracker uses the following logic to determine how to handle the parameter value:

  • If the value is a valid guid, the value is set as the campaign id.
  • If the value is not a valid guid, the value is set as the campaign name.


Query string parameter name#

By default, the name of the query string parameter is sc_goals. The parameter name can be changed in the "Goal parameters" field on the following item:

sitecore > System > Uniform > Optimize > Settings

Data captured#

When a goal is tracked, the Uniform tracker can capture the following details:

  • Date/time when the goal was triggered
  • Goal id
  • Goal name
  • Goal points

When a goal is assigned directly to a Sitecore item, the goal id, goal name and goal points are included in the tracking data, enabling the tracker to capture all three values.

However, when a goal is tracked using a query string parameter, only one value can be provided. The Uniform tracker uses the following logic to determine how to handle the parameter value:

  • If the value is a valid guid, the value is set as the goal id.
  • If the value is not a valid guid, the value is set as the goal name.
  • Goal points is always zero.


As described above, tracking data often includes more than a single value (e.g. id and name). When tracking data is passed using a query string parameter, only one value can be supported. This means you lose fidelity when tracking data is provided through query string parameters.