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uniform-esi-ssr configuration

This endpoint is used in implementations that use both Optimize and Deploy.

Context data#

The context describes the state at the time the endpoint was called. This includes things like who the user is, which site was accessed and which language was used.

Uniform adds several properties to the context by adding a custom processor to the pipeline getLayoutServiceContext. These properties are needed in order for the Uniform tracker to work properly.

The following properties are added:

  • personalization
  • testing
  • tracking

Route data#

The route describes the combination of item, device and language that was resolved along with the presentation details that describe the placeholders and components associated with combination.

Placeholder: esi-context#

Uniform adds a new placeholder to the route order to accomodate the Edge Context. This placeholder contains components that represent the logic that generates the Edge Context.


Edge-side personalization involves generating conditional logic that determines the information included in Layout Service output. This conditional logic must be described using components. The front-end application converts these components into instructions for the CDN.

This process involves Uniform changing the components that Layout Service includes in the route output.


Uniform only changes components that have personalization rules defined on them. Components that are not personalized are not changed.

When a rendering has no personalization rules assigned to it, the rendering is represented by a component that maps directly to the rendering:

{  "uid": "338696f9-3b1c-42a0-bcc2-0b30a453ac4c",  "componentName": "Hero",  "dataSource": "{ORIGINAL DATASOURCE}",  "fields": {    "text": {      "value": "You have expressed little interest in architecture. "    },    "subtitle": {      "value": "Architecture"    },    "title": {      "value": "About"    }  }}

However, when personalization rules are assigned to a rendering, Uniform creates a structure that represents the conditional logic of the personalization rules. The following is an example of the logic that is rendered:

The logic above can be expressed in JavaScript in the following way:

{    if (rule1) {        return component1;    }    else if (rule2) {        return component2;    }    else {        return defaultComponent;    }}

In order for this logic to be expressed in Layout Service output, a convention using placeholders and components is used:

  • The top-level component uses the component type EsiChoose.
  • This component has a placeholder named esi-choose that contains an array of elements.
    • Each element in the array represents a personalization rule that a business user assigned to the rendering.
    • Each personalization rule uses the component type EsiWhen.
    • Each personalization rule has a test parameter that represents the logic for the condition assigned to the rule.
    • Each personalization rule has a placeholder named esi-when that contains an array of elements.
      • There is only ever 1 element in the array.
      • The element represents the personalized component.
    • The default personalization rule uses the component type EsiOtherwise.
    • The default personalization rule has a placeholder named esi-otherwise that contains an array of elements.
      • There is only ever 1 element in the array.
      • The element represents the default (unpersonalized) component.

The following is an example of the configuration described above:

{  "uid": "RENDERING UID",  "componentName": "EsiChoose",  "dataSource": null,  "params": null,  "fields": {},  "placeholders": {    "esi-choose": [      {         /* START: Personalization rule 1 */        "uid": "RENDERING UID",        "componentName": "EsiWhen",        "dataSource": null,        "params": {           /* Test is the expression of the condition logic */          "test": "$(ESI_CONTEXT_personalization_rules{'RENDERING UID'})=='RULE 1 ID'"        },        "placeholders": {          "esi-when": [            {               /* Component used when the rule matches */              "uid": "RENDERING UID",              "componentName": "RENDERING NAME",              "dataSource": "PERSONALIZED DATASOURCE",              "params": {},              "fields": {/* Datasource fields */},              "componentId": "RENDERING ID",              "personalization": {                "changes": {                  "component": null,                  "data": {                    "before": "ORIGINAL DATASOURCE",                    "after": "PERSONALIZED DATASOURCE"                  },                  "hide": false                },                "component": {                  "id": "RENDERING ITEM ID",                  "name": "RENDERING NAME"                },                "page": {                  "id": "ITEM ID",                  "name": "ITEM NAME"                },                "rule": {                  "id": "RULE 1 ID",                  "name": "RULE 1 NAME"                },                "isIncludedInTest": false              },              "itemId": "ITEM ID",              "itemName": "ITEM NAME"            }          ]        }        /* END: Personalization rule 1 */      },      {         /* START: Personalization rule 2 */        "uid": "RENDERING UID",        "componentName": "EsiWhen",        "dataSource": null,        "params": {           /* Test is the expression of the condition logic */          "test": "$(ESI_CONTEXT_personalization_rules{'RENDERING UID'})=='RULE 2 ID'"        },        "placeholders": {          "esi-when": [            {               /* Component used when the rule matches */              "uid": "RENDERING UID",              "componentName": "RENDERING NAME",              "dataSource": "PERSONALIZED DATASOURCE",              "params": {},              "fields": {/* Datasource fields */},              "componentId": "RENDERING ID",              "personalization": {                "changes": {                  "component": null,                  "data": {                    "before": "ORIGINAL DATASOURCE",                    "after": "PERSONALIZED DATASOURCE"                  },                  "hide": false                },                "component": {                  "id": "RENDERING ITEM ID",                  "name": "RENDERING NAME"                },                "page": {                  "id": "ITEM ID",                  "name": "ITEM NAME"                },                "rule": {                  "id": "RULE 2 ID",                  "name": "RULE 2 NAME"                },                "isIncludedInTest": false              },              "itemId": "ITEM ID",              "itemName": "ITEM NAME"            }          ]        }        /* END: Personalization rule 2 */      },      {         /* START: Default personalization rule */        "uid": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",        "componentName": "EsiOtherwise",        "dataSource": null,        "params": null,        "placeholders": {          "esi-otherwise": [            {              "uid": "RENDERING UID",              "componentName": "RENDERING NAME",              "dataSource": "ORIGINAL DATASOURCE",              "params": {},              "fields": {/* Datasource fields */},              "componentId": "RENDERING ID",              "itemId": "ITEM ID",              "itemName": "ITEM NAME"            }          ]        }        /* END: Default personalization rule */       }    ]  }}