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Deployment service configuration

When requests are made to the Sitecore server, Uniform converts personalization instructions into a format that Akamai can execute. In order for Uniform to know to do this, some extra configuration is required on the Sitecore server.


If you are not using the Deploy functionality to generate a static site, you may wonder why you need to configure the deployment service. After all, the purpose of the deployment service is to generate the static site.

The reason is because Uniform reuses some of the same components used during the deployment process to support other features. This includes the ability to include personalization instructions in a page, as well as the ability to purge the Akamai cache during Sitecore publishing.

Option 1. Sitecore config files#

This option is recommended for production environments. Create a Sitecore config file and deploy it to your Sitecore instances.

<configuration>  <sitecore>    <uniform>      <siteConfigurations>        <siteConfiguration name="<YOUR-SITECORE-SITE-NAME>">          <site inherits="<YOUR-SITECORE-SITE-NAME>" />          <deployment>                  <deploymentService ref="uniform/services/nopDeploymentService" />          </deployment>          <optimizeIntegrationService ref="uniform/services/optimizeIntegrationService" />        </siteConfiguration>      </siteConfigurations>    </uniform>  </sitecore></configuration>

Option 2. Sitecore items#

The required configuration can be specified using Sitecore items. This saves you from having to deploy files to your Sitecore instances.

  1. In Sitecore, open Content Editor.
  2. Navigate to sitecore > system > Uniform > Site Configurations.
  3. Select the item that corresponds to your site.
  4. Add a new item using the template Configure Site.
  5. Enter the following field values:
  6. Save the item.
  7. Add a new item using the template Configure: No-Operation Deployment Service....
  8. Select the item named "Configuration" is added under the item that corresponds to your site.
  9. Add a new item using the template Configure: Optimize Integration....
  10. Publish the new items.