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How to use Content Driven Error Pages

NextJs has its own handling of 404 and 500 pages. Because of this you will see NextJs build errors if you have a route for /404 in Sitecore. Let's look at how we can use the Custom Error Page functionality of NextJs to use content in Sitecore.

Sitecore Pages for Not Found and Server Error#

There are two types of error which NextJs can handle statically. They are "Not Found" (404) and Server (500) errors.

Create a page for each of these, let's call them /notfound and /servererror. This is where the content editor can control the content of these pages. Both these pages should be included in the Uniform page map.

NextJs Custom Pages#


Create a pages/404.tsx file which looks like the following example.

import React from 'react';
// Pageimport Page from './[[...slug]]'
export async function getStaticProps({ params }) {  const asPath = '/notfound';  const props = await getNextPageProps({ asPath });  return { props };}
export default Page;

In this example we take the default export from the [[...slug]].tsx file which will be the Page React Component and we reuse it.

We then have a customised getStaticProps which is hard-coded to fetch props for the /notfound page path.


Create a pages/500.tsx file and use the same code snippet, just substituting "notfound" for "servererror".

import React from 'react';
// Pageimport Page from './[[...slug]]'
export async function getStaticProps({ params }) {  const asPath = '/servererror';  const props = await getNextPageProps({ asPath });  return { props };}
export default Page;


If you have named your Sitecore pages /404 and /500 you will probably see a nextjs build error because you cannot include these paths in getStaticPaths.

You have two options.

  1. Change the Sitecore pages to something else. For example /_404 or /notfound.
  2. Filter out the "404" and "500" paths as seen in the following snippet:
// Using Automatic Static Optimizationexport async function getStaticPaths() {  const { getStaticPaths } = await import('@uniformdev/next-server');  const paths = await getStaticPaths();    return {      paths: paths        .filter(({ params }) => {          const p = String(params.slug[0])          return !['404', '500'].includes(p)        }),    }}